Wholesale Sign Up
Are you interested in carrying our books? We are working to build up our network of retailers and distributors. A wholesale account, which provides you with access to wholesale pricing on our games, free PDFs, and special deals.
To apply for a wholesale account, you must be either:
- A brick-and-mortar store or online retailer located anywhere in the world.
- A non-profit, charity, or school.
As a Wholesale Account, you gain access to:
- Wholesale pricing on all books and zines.
- 100% discount on all PDFs.
- Special seasonal discounts on merchandise.
- Listing on our website as a Retail Partner and a commitment to direct local customers to your store.
To Apply for a Wholesale Account
Email us at wholesale@pandiongames.com with the following information:
- Your Name
- Preferred Email
- Business Name
- Business Address
- Your website
- Your reseller certificate, if applicable
If you haven't already, we'll ask you to create an account (here), to assign your account access to the wholesale portal.
Are you looking for consignment or distribution? Please contact us at hello@pandiongames.com with details.
Other Ways to Buy Wholesale
We also partner with wholesale distributors Indie Press Revolution and Faire. If you already work with either of them, make sure to check there.